
By , February 10, 2010 5:39 pm

Nestled in the vindhyachal mountain range in the Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh, the town of Chanderi is thriving center of weaving since the 14th century following the migration of the illustrious/reverend sufi saint Hazrat Wajihuddin. His devotees came from far flung places, majorly from the Lakhnauti region of Bengal, where weaving was in practice. Dhaka, situated close to the Lakhnauti region was famous for its fine muslin .It was almost certainly these groups of people who were responsible for initiating weaving of the cloth which Chanderi is now renowned for.

The mention of Chanderi brings to one’s mind the magnificent silken fabrics produced in the town. The fortunes of Chanderi have always been entwined with the fortunes of its weaves, with a loom in virtually every home, weaving is literally the heartbeat of the town. The incessant beat of the warp and the weft, the tana and the bana, is the lifeline of Chanderi, a metaphor for the beating heart.

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